The Atmosphere

The Atmosphere
Self-Assessment Quiz


1. Free ____ is a product of plant photosynthesis.  

carbon dioxide

2. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

is generally higher during the winter.
has increased in the last 100 years
is a greenhouse gas
all the above

3.   Greenhouse gases

are good absorbers of solar (shortwave) radiation.
are good absorbers of longwave radiation emitted by the Earth.
absorb shortwave and longwave radiation equally well.
absorb neither shortwave or longwave radiation.

4. Temperatures tend to ______ through much of the stratosphere. 

increase with an increase in elevation
decrease with and increase in elevation
stay the same with an increase in elevation
None of the above

5. Clouds are good absorbers of

longwave radiation emitted by the earth
UV light
none of the above

6. Termites are thought to be a source of

carbon dioxide.
none of the above.

7.  Which of the following is considered a "permanent gas"?

Carbon dioxide
None of the above

8.  Particulates

serve as condensation nuclei.
can cause atmospheric cooling.
can cause atmospheric warming
can do all the above.

9.   Most of the ozone found in the atmosphere is found in the


10. An inversion

is where temperatures increase with increasing altitude.
is where temperatures decrease with increasing altitude.
is where temperatures stay the same with increasing altitude.
is where temperatures increase with decreasing altitude.


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For Citation: Ritter, Michael E. The Physical Environment: an Introduction to Physical Geography.
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